I am alost 5 months pregnant, and I am really scared. Then more I look into the pregnacy I hear stories about other people. A lot of people actually go through the whole pregnacy without a problem, and they bring a new healthy baby. Then their are others who have complications and may have to have a miscarge. Some people may have an abortion, and other children die at young ages.
One of my close friends just went through a miscarrige. Her actual due date was January 31, 2009. When that day came she was devistated becasue she actually had an miscarrige.
The Hartford fair was going on in August and she went. While she was there she had really bad cramps and started to bleed. So her, her boyfriend, and her grandmother rushed to the hospital. The only thing that the hospital told her is that her baby was fine and they could hear the heartbeat, but as soon as her next doctors appoitment came to go. It was very important to get in and be seen.
Her next doctors appoitment came really soon. As her, her boyfriend, and grandma all went into the doctors. They did an ultra sound on her and found out that the baby was dead. The dead baby was just sitting inside her. The doctor told her that she could take a few days but, she would need to come in the hospital and deliver her child.
She went home and was trying to wait, but couldn't let the baby just sit inside her. She went to the hospital and delivered the child. She had to go through the proccess of birth, however she pushed out a dead child. One statement she made was that she could hold her child, but she will never forget this moment "It was her child, dead or alive".

Seeing the pictures and hearing stories has me scared. I want more than anything to have my child come out healthy. Hearing stories like this is devistaing even hard to beleive. I could never understand how some of these people feel and go on. But every parent wants their child to be healthy, including me.
There are many scary things about being pregnant. Don't worry yourself, just do what you need to do in order to prepare for the next phase. :-)
ReplyDeleteGoing through a pregnancy can be scary and stressful, but you have to remain positive and not worry yourself about the pregnancy.